The 22,000 square-foot Leon’s Centre makes a huge impact on the community and the events it attracts to our city. We are committed to the effort of caring for our environment by developing methods to reduce, reuse and recycle in our everyday routines. Employees of ASM Global and the City of Kingston, as well as city officials, have engaged in a continuous commitment to be environmentally conscious by implementing green practices into facility operation.
The environmental and financial sustainability of the Leon’s Centre were built-in to the facility itself. The centre was designed with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certification in mind and has achieved a LEED® Silver rating.
The venue is located on a former brownfield site. Bike racks and dispersed parking are provided to encourage alternate means of transportation. The centre has a recycling room and ‘green’ housekeeping products will be used in the maintenance of the facility. Water use reduction technology is also incorporated in all washrooms throughout the facility.
Visitors and residents can obtain information on all LEED credits achieved within the centre through an interactive kiosk installed in the Leon’s Centre, located in the Concourse, level 1 beside the Box Office.
LEED® is a rating system representing a holistic and environmentally responsible approach to building design. For more information you can visit the LEED® website.
New City of Kingston facilities, like the centre, are designed to achieve at least a LEED® Silver rating, and can expect significant savings in energy costs.
The official adoption of this LEED® approach puts Kingston on the leading-edge of sustainable development and ensures that new City buildings maximize energy efficiency, provide the highest quality of indoor working environment and minimize any building’s burden on the natural environment and long-term operating budgets.
All of the progressive features combine to provide Kingstonians with a world-class sports and entertainment venue that minimizes its impact on our environment and provides a healthy indoors environment while keeping energy costs to a minimum.